SMBS was established in 1954 as an independent unit of the Faculty of Science of Niigata University and is the oldest marine biological station on the coast of the Sea of Japan. SMBS aims to clarify the diversity of marine organisms and the functionality of marine ecosystem and provides advanced knowledge about the ocean and marine biodiversity in order to develop human resources. SMBS has been designated as a Joint Usage/Education Center for Marine Biology of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan (MEXT) and we offer open and international practical courses in marine biology for studying animal classification, marine ecology, and diversity and adaptation of marine organisms. SMBS holds International Marine Biology Course in every summer. Currently, more than 3000 researchers and students visit SMBS from all over the world annually. Four research staffs and one technical officer, and two clerks are stationed at SMBS. Current research programs include works on reproductive neuroendocrinology, ecology, evolutionary developmental biology, and behavioral ecology of marine organisms.
Address: 87 Tassha, Sado, Niigata 952-2135 Japan E-mail: HP: