Tara Ocean Fondation and the Jambio network is starting a survey on microplastic pollution in coastal waters of Japan.

Tara Ocean Fondation and the Jambio network is starting a survey on microplastic pollution in coastal waters of Japan.

Sampling will start from April 2020 and will be conducted every month in a different marine station along Japanese coasts. Sampling is already planned at The Oki Marine Biological station (Shimane University), Akkeshi Marine Station (Hokkaido University), Tateyama Marine Laboratory, Marine and Coastal Research Center (Ochanomizu University), Asamushi Research Center for Marine Biology (Tohoku University), Amakusa Marine Biological Laboratory (Kyushu University), Takehara Station Fisheries Research Center (Hiroshima University),Ushimado Research Institute (Okayama University), Sugashima Marile Laboratory (Nagoya University) and the Shimoda Marine Research Center (University of Tsukuba). Each sampling will be the occasion for outreach events, so stay informed for the schedule and events program by following us:

Twitter @TaraOcean_


The marine station where sampling is already planned.

The marine station where sampling is already planned.













Survey with NEUSTON NET

Survey with SMITH-MCINTYRE bottom sampler